While it can be a wonderful experience to come out and embrace one’s true identity, this can often be a difficult and lonely time. Those of us who identify as part of the 2SLGBT+ community are at risk of facing discrimination, rejection, and loss of our communities, family members and friends.
With these factors in mind, it is helpful to be aware of the various supports available in our community, for those who might be struggling and unsure what groups and places are safe and affirming.
Here is a list of groups and organizations in the Niagara region and what they offer to the 2SLGBTQ+ community:
OUTNiagara: supports our local LGBTQ2+ community and beyond by amplifying the voices of our community, acting as a public policy advocate and helping to build relationships within the community. https://www.outniagara.org/
Quest Community Health Center: offers primary health care services to
individuals who experience barriers to accessing health care, including sexually and gender diverse communities. This includes Rainbow Niagara 2SLGBTQ+ Services that includes primary health care, trans specific health care, mental health support/counselling, outreach, groups and health promotion/community capacity building initiatives such as Pride Prom and community presentations. Also offers groups for trans youth and trans or questioning adults. https://questchc.ca/
Pflag Niagara: A sharing and supportive group for parents, family members, and friends of LGBTQ+ individuals, as well as those individuals themselves. PFLAG provides dialogue about sexual identity and gender identity to create a society that's welcoming to all.
Brock Pride: A club devoted to creating a safe social environment for students of diverse gender and sexual identities. They offer weekly meetings and monthly social events. It's not necessary to be a student to attend. https://experiencebu.brocku.ca/organization/pride
De dwa da dehs nye Aboriginal Health Centre: a local Indigenous Community Health Centre offering Mental Health Services for Indigenous peoples living in the Niagara Region. https://aboriginalhealthcentre.com/
Phone Lines:
Lesbian Gay Bi Trans Youth Line: 1-800-268-9688 Text 647-694-4275 Chat services at www.youthline.ca Offers confidential peer support through their telephone, text, and chat services. Services available across Ontario.
Trans Lifeline: 1-877-330-6366 A hotline staffed by transgender people for transgender people. This is run by volunteers from 10am-4am.
Affirming Churches:
Silver Spire United Church: https://www.silverspire.ca/
Trinity United Church: https://www.trinityunitedchurchthorold.ca/
This list is by no means exhaustive, but instead can be used as a starting point for anyone looking to connect with others for support, affirmation, or community-building.
In addition, therapy can also be a useful resource and safe space to process, heal, and receive support. If you’re looking to talk to someone about your gender identity or sexuality, we are accepting new clients at Peaceful Minds.